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This module contains a range-based compile-time lexer generator.


The lexer generator consists of a template mixin, Lexer, along with several helper templates for generating such things as token identifiers.

To write a lexer using this API:
  1. Create the string array costants for your language.
  2. Create aliases for the various token and token identifier types specific to your language.
  3. Create a struct that mixes in the Lexer template mixin and implements the necessary functions.


Template Parameter Definitions

A function that serves as the default token lexing function. For most languages this will be the identifier lexing function.
A function that is able to determine if an identifier/keyword has come to an end. This function must return bool and take a single size_t argument representing the number of bytes to skip over before looking for a separating character.
A listing of the tokens whose exact value never changes and which cannot possibly be a token handled by the default token lexing function. The most common example of this kind of token is an operator such as "*", or "-" in a programming language.
A listing of tokens whose value is variable, such as whitespace, identifiers, number literals, and string literals.
A listing of tokens that could posibly be one of the tokens handled by the default token handling function. An common example of this is a keyword such as "for", which looks like the beginning of the identifier "fortunate". tokenSeparatingFunction is called to determine if the character after the 'r' separates the identifier, indicating that the token is "for", or if lexing should be turned over to the defaultTokenFunction.
A mapping of prefixes to custom token handling function names. The generated lexer will search for the even-index elements of this array, and then call the function whose name is the element immedately after the even-indexed element. This is used for lexing complex tokens whose prefix is fixed.

Here are some example constants for a simple calculator lexer:
// There are a near infinite number of valid number literals, so numbers are
// dynamic tokens.
enum string[] dynamicTokens = ["numberLiteral", "whitespace"];

// The operators are always the same, and cannot start a numberLiteral, so
// they are staticTokens
enum string[] staticTokens = ["-", "+", "*", "/"];

// In this simple example there are no keywords or other tokens that could
// look like dynamic tokens, so this is blank.
enum string[] possibleDefaultTokens = [];

// If any whitespace character or digit is encountered, pass lexing over to
// our custom handler functions. These will be demonstrated in an example
// later on.
enum string[] tokenHandlers = [
    "0", "lexNumber",
    "1", "lexNumber",
    "2", "lexNumber",
    "3", "lexNumber",
    "4", "lexNumber",
    "5", "lexNumber",
    "6", "lexNumber",
    "7", "lexNumber",
    "8", "lexNumber",
    "9", "lexNumber",
    " ", "lexWhitespace",
    "\n", "lexWhitespace",
    "\t", "lexWhitespace",
    "\r", "lexWhitespace"

License 1.0

Brian Schott, with ideas shamelessly stolen from Andrei Alexandrescu


template TokenIdType(alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens, alias possibleDefaultTokens)
Template for determining the type used for a token type. Selects the smallest unsigned integral type that is able to hold the value staticTokens.length + dynamicTokens.length + possibleDefaultTokens.length. For example if there are 20 static tokens, 30 dynamic tokens, and 10 possible default tokens, this template will alias itself to ubyte, as 20 + 30 + 10 < ubyte.max.

// In our calculator example this means that IdType is an alias for ubyte.
alias IdType = TokenIdType!(staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens);

@property string tokenStringRepresentation(IdType, alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens, alias possibleDefaultTokens)(IdType type);
Looks up the string representation of the given token type. This is the opposite of the function of the TokenId template.

IdType type the token type identifier

alias str = tokenStringRepresentation(IdType, staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens);
assert (str(tok!"*") == "*");

See Also:

template TokenId(IdType, alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens, alias possibleDefaultTokens, string symbol)
Generates the token type identifier for the given symbol. There are two special cases:
  • If symbol is "", then the token identifier will be 0
  • If symbol is "\0", then the token identifier will be the maximum valid token type identifier
In all cases this template will alias itself to a constant of type IdType. This template will fail at compile time if symbol is not one of the staticTokens, dynamicTokens, or possibleDefaultTokens.

template tok(string symbol)
    alias tok = TokenId!(IdType, staticTokens, dynamicTokens,
        possibleDefaultTokens, symbol);
// num and plus are of type ubyte.
IdType plus = tok!"+";
IdType num = tok!"numberLiteral";

struct TokenStructure(IdType, string extraFields = "");
The token that is returned by the lexer.

IdType The D type of the "type" token type field.
extraFields A string containing D code for any extra fields that should be included in the token structure body. This string is passed directly to a mixin statement.

// No extra struct fields are desired in this example, so leave it blank.
alias Token = TokenStructure!(IdType, "");
Token minusToken = Token(tok!"-");

const pure nothrow @safe bool opEquals(IdType type);
== overload for the the token type.

this(IdType type);
Constructs a token from a token type.

IdType type the token type

this(IdType type, string text, size_t line, size_t column, size_t index);
Constructs a token.

IdType type the token type
string text the text of the token, which may be null
size_t line the line number at which this token occurs
size_t column the column number at which this token occurs
size_t index the byte offset from the beginning of the input at which this token occurs

string text;
The text of the token.

size_t line;
The line number at which this token occurs.

size_t column;
The Column number at which this token occurs.

size_t index;
The byte offset from the beginning of the input at which this token occurs.

IdType type;
The token type.

template Lexer(Token, alias defaultTokenFunction, alias tokenSeparatingFunction, alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens, alias possibleDefaultTokens, alias tokenHandlers)
The implementation of the lexer is contained within this mixin template. To use it, this template should be mixed in to a struct that represents the lexer for your language. This struct should implement the following methods:
  • popFront, which should call this mixin's popFront() and additionally perform any token filtering or shuffling you deem necessary. For example, you can implement popFront to skip comment or tokens.
  • A function that serves as the default token lexing function. For most languages this will be the identifier lexing function.
  • A function that is able to determine if an identifier/keyword has come to an end. This function must retorn bool and take a single size_t argument representing the number of bytes to skip over before looking for a separating character.
  • Any functions referred to in the tokenHandlers template paramater. These functions must be marked pure nothrow, take no arguments, and return a token
  • A constructor that initializes the range field as well as calls popFront() exactly once (to initialize the front field).

Token TokenStructure
defaultTokenFunction defaultTokenFunction
tokenSeparatingFunction tokenSeparatingFunction
staticTokens staticTokens
dynamicTokens dynamicTokens
possibleDefaultTokens possibleDefaultTokens
tokenHandlers tokenHandlers

struct CalculatorLexer
    mixin Lexer!(Token, defaultTokenFunction, isSeparating,
        tokenHandlers, staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens);

    this (ubyte[] bytes)
        this.range = LexerRange(bytes);

    void popFront() pure

    Token lexNumber() pure nothrow @safe
        // implementation goes here

    Token lexWhitespace() pure nothrow @safe
        // implementation goes here

    Token defaultTokenFunction() pure nothrow @safe
        // There is no default token in the example calculator language, so
        // this is always an error.
        return Token(tok!"");

    bool isSeparating(size_t offset) pure nothrow @safe
        // For this example language, always return true.
        return true;

const pure nothrow @property const(Token) front();
Implements the range primitive front.

const pure nothrow @property bool empty();
Implements the range primitive empty.

LexerRange range;
The lexer input.

Token _front;
The token that is currently at the front of the range.

struct LexerRange;
Range structure that wraps the lexer's input.

pure nothrow @safe this(const(ubyte)[] bytes, size_t index = 0, size_t column = 1, size_t line = 1);
const(ubyte)[] bytes the lexer input
size_t index the initial offset from the beginning of bytes
size_t column the initial column number
size_t line the initial line number

const pure nothrow @safe size_t mark();
a mark at the current position that can then be used with slice.

pure nothrow @safe void seek(size_t m);
Sets the range to the given position.

size_t m the position to seek to

const pure nothrow @safe const(ubyte)[] slice(size_t m);
Returs a slice of the input byte array between the given mark and the current position. Params m = the beginning index of the slice to return

const pure nothrow @safe bool empty();
Implements the range primitive empty.

const pure nothrow @safe ubyte front();
Implements the range primitive front.

const pure nothrow @safe const(ubyte)[] peek(size_t p);
the current item as well as the items p items ahead.

const pure nothrow @safe ubyte peekAt(size_t offset);

const pure nothrow @safe bool canPeek(size_t p);
true if it is possible to peek p bytes ahead.

pure nothrow @safe void popFront();
Implements the range primitive popFront.

pure nothrow @safe void popFrontN(size_t n);
Implements the algorithm popFrontN more efficiently.

pure nothrow @safe void incrementLine();
Increments the range's line number and resets the column counter.

const(ubyte)[] bytes;
The input bytes.

size_t index;
The range's current position.

size_t column;
The current column number.

size_t line;
The current line number.

struct StringCache;
The string cache implements a map/set for strings. Placing a string in the cache returns an identifier that can be used to instantly access the stored string. It is then possible to simply compare these indexes instead of performing full string comparisons when comparing the string content of dynamic tokens. The string cache also handles its own memory, so that mutable ubyte[] to lexers can still have immutable string fields in their tokens. Because the string cache also performs de-duplication it is possible to drastically reduce the memory usage of a lexer.

this(size_t bucketCount);
size_t bucketCount the initial number of buckets.

pure nothrow @safe string cacheGet(const(ubyte[]) bytes);
Equivalent to calling cache() and get().
StringCache cache;
ubyte[] str = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
string s = cache.get(cache.cache(str));
assert(s == "abc");

pure nothrow @safe string cacheGet(const(ubyte[]) bytes, uint hash);
Equivalent to calling cache() and get().

pure nothrow @safe size_t cache(const(ubyte)[] bytes);
Caches a string.

const(ubyte)[] bytes the string to cache

A key that can be used to retrieve the cached string

StringCache cache;
ubyte[] bytes = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
size_t first = cache.cache(bytes);
size_t second = cache.cache(bytes);
assert (first == second);

pure nothrow @safe size_t cache(const(ubyte)[] bytes, uint hash);
Caches a string as above, but uses the given hash code instead of calculating one itself. Use this alongside hashStep() can reduce the amount of work necessary when lexing dynamic tokens.

const pure nothrow @safe string get(size_t index);
Gets a cached string based on its key.

size_t index the key

the cached string

static pure nothrow @safe uint hashStep(ubyte b, uint h);
Incremental hashing.

ubyte b the byte to add to the hash
uint h the hash that has been calculated so far

the new hash code for the string.

static int defaultBucketCount;
The default bucket count for the string cache.